Index of /

DeepLearningBook/                                  22-Sep-2019 20:12       -
machine learning/                                  22-Sep-2019 20:13       -
test/                                              22-Jul-2022 07:02       -
架构师2016/                                           11-Sep-2019 03:57       -
轻量级Java EE企业应用实战(第3版) PDF/                         22-Sep-2019 20:15       -
%286%29K-means聚类算法.pdf                             14-Dec-2016 12:17    533K
(1)线性回归、logistic回归和一般回归.pdf                        14-Dec-2016 12:33    843K
(16)偏最小二乘法回归.pdf                                   14-Dec-2016 12:16    279K
(2)判别模型、生成模型与朴素贝叶斯方法.pdf                           14-Dec-2016 12:18      1M
2015_Book_LinearAlgebraDoneRight.pdf               06-May-2020 09:55      2M
64-ia-32-architectures-software-developer-instr..> 29-Sep-2019 09:24      9M
BA2019.pdf                                         06-Jan-2019 04:17      5M
Computer Networking.pdf                            15-Sep-2019 14:12     17M
Effective Java (2017, Addison-Wesley).pdf          18-May-2022 02:41      2M
Effective Java, 3rdEdition.pdf                     20-Jun-2018 07:14      2M
Elon Musk_ Tesla, SpaceX, and t - Ashlee Vance...> 29-Feb-2016 01:22      2M
Getting Started with Google Guava.pdf              20-Mar-2018 07:17      2M
Getting Started with Storm.pdf                     09-Mar-2018 07:38      2M
HBase:权威指南.pdf                                     11-Mar-2018 12:47      9M
Hadoop实战(第2版).epub                                 14-Mar-2018 01:35      3M
Hamming, Richard Wesley - The art of doing scie..> 28-May-2020 04:45      3M
Homo Deus_ A Brief History of Tomorrow - Yuval ..> 19-Feb-2017 12:17      4M
Homo Deus_ A Brief History of Tomorrow - Yuval ..> 19-Feb-2017 12:17      4M> 27-Feb-2023 05:19     12M
Introduction_to_Apache_Flink_book.pdf              14-Jun-2019 05:54     17M
Java Testing with Spock.pdf                        09-Jan-2019 10:10     13M
Java从入门到精通 第三版.pdf                                 02-Apr-2016 00:52     82M
Kubernetes in Action.pdf                           20-Mar-2019 02:21     12M
LLVM Cookbook.pdf                                  22-Jan-2022 14:12      3M
LinuxProbe.pdf                                     28-Mar-2019 01:52     19M
Linux内核设计与实现_第三版英文版.pdf                            20-Aug-2018 09:34      3M
Matplotlib.pdf                                     19-Feb-2016 09:29     36M
Multipliers.epub                                   08-Apr-2024 05:06      3M
MySQL技术内幕:InnoDB存储引擎+第2版.epub                      15-Apr-2022 06:47      3M
Netty in Action.pdf                                02-May-2018 15:14      3M
O'Reilly.High.Performance.MySQL.3rd.Edition.M.pdf  10-Apr-2019 02:28      6M
OReilly.Designing.Data-Intensive.Applications.pdf  14-Jun-2018 09:02     24M
Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning.pdf       02-Jun-2016 11:24      9M
Pattern-Recognition-and-Machine-Learning-(Solut..> 02-Jun-2016 11:22    867K
Programming Language Pragmatics by Michael L. S..> 18-May-2020 05:01      6M
Programming_in_Lua,_Third.pdf                      22-May-2019 02:37      2M
Python for Data Analysis 2nd Edition.pdf           21-Jan-2018 03:06     10M
Redis设计与实现.epub                                    11-Mar-2018 11:01      6M
Robert M. Pirsig-Zen and the Art of Motorcycle ..> 24-May-2017 07:28    336K
SPRING 实战(第3版).pdf                                 09-Mar-2017 07:06     30M
Site.Reliability.Engineering.2016.3.pdf            29-Jul-2018 14:52     14M
Software Engineering at Google by Hyrum Wright,..> 10-Apr-2020 03:09      7M
Solving Mathematical Problems.pdf                  29-Mar-2018 08:47      1M
Spring Boot实战 ,丁雪丰 (译者) .pdf                       17-Apr-2017 07:36     10M
Spring源码深度解析.pdf                                   13-Mar-2017 07:19     53M
The Art of Asking ChatGPT for High-Quality Answ..> 14-Apr-2023 05:31    544K
The Elements of Statistical Learning.pdf           14-Mar-2016 00:53     13M
The Phoenix Project A Novel about IT DevOps and..> 12-Aug-2018 14:11      1M
The effective engineer - Edmond Lau.epub           31-Mar-2017 07:16      2M
Ultralearning+Manifesto+-+Scott+Young.pdf          08-Dec-2016 01:54    808K
Understanding Assembly Language.pdf                07-Aug-2020 06:19     10M
[James_Carse]_Finite_and_Infinite_Games_A_Visio..> 03-May-2018 14:37      2M
antlr.pdf                                          31-Aug-2019 05:52      9M
asm4-guide.pdf                                     29-Sep-2018 07:50      1M
borg.pdf                                           29-May-2016 02:06    864K    08-May-2022 13:59      2M
deeplearningbook.pdf                               06-Nov-2017 01:42     16M
ffmpeg-from-zero-to-hero_compress.pdf              05-Nov-2021 14:30     13M
global-wealth-report-2019-en.pdf                   22-Oct-2019 09:59      1M
groovy+in+action_中文.pdf                            31-Aug-2016 07:32      6M
kuangbin的ACM模板(新).pdf                              09-Jul-2018 14:29      3M
kubernetes.epub                                    23-Feb-2016 21:29      4M
machine learning yearning.pdf                      02-Apr-2019 10:58      4M
machine learning.rar                               12-Jan-2017 08:55     42M
math-deep.pdf                                      23-Mar-2020 00:31     19M
matrix+vector+derivatives+for+machine+learning.pdf 07-Feb-2018 04:45    741K
nips-tutorial-policy-optimization-Schulman-Abbe..> 12-Feb-2018 06:45     44M
odps_SQL_inter.pdf                                 02-Jun-2016 14:15      2M
playlist.m3u8                                      26-Apr-2022 12:08     355
properties of expanding universes.pdf              25-Oct-2017 08:58     32M
reinforcement_learning.pdf                         07-Feb-2018 01:59     20M
swe_at_google.2.pdf                                18-Jul-2021 01:32      9M
the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance_ An Inquiry I..> 24-May-2017 07:33    336K
the-site-reliability-workbook.pdf                  13-Mar-2019 07:58     14M
《Netty_in_Action》第五版-目录修正版.pdf                     26-Jul-2019 05:44      3M
《手撸 Spring》 • 小傅哥.pdf                              12-Aug-2021 02:54      8M
人类简史-从动物到上帝.mobi                                   21-Nov-2016 08:09      3M
你一生的故事.mobi                                        01-May-2017 10:34    566K
你的灯还亮着吗.pdf                                        10-Feb-2017 03:14      5M
信息简史(图灵新知).azw3                                    20-Jul-2017 07:22      3M
信息简史(英文版)[美] 詹姆斯·格雷克.mobi                          20-Jul-2017 07:22      2M
具体数学:计算机科学基础(第2版) .mobi                            25-Oct-2018 04:29     41M
具体数学:计算机科学基础(第2版) .pdf                             25-Oct-2018 04:29     13M
和秋叶一起学PPT .pdf                                     14-Sep-2017 13:06     69M
太空漫游四部曲.epub                                       28-May-2019 03:30    957K
失败的逻辑.pdf                                          22-Feb-2017 08:41      9M
娱乐至死+-+[美]尼尔·波兹曼(neil+Postman).azw3                28-Aug-2022 00:33    448K
娱乐至死-娱乐至死 - [美]尼尔·波兹曼(neil Postman).epub           28-Aug-2022 00:31    286K
娱乐至死-娱乐至死 - [美]尼尔·波兹曼(neil Postman).mobi           28-Aug-2022 00:30    811K
当代广告学 原书第11版 通用教材版 (1).pdf                         03-Apr-2018 05:48     31M
怎样解题(How To Solve It)-波利亚.pdf                      19-Oct-2016 15:03    901K
把时间当作朋友.mobi                                       30-Mar-2018 09:55    712K
数字化生存.pdf                                          19-Feb-2017 12:53    327K
数学分析八讲(修订版).pdf                                    17-Jan-2019 04:44     12M
数据挖掘、推理与预测.pdf                                     09-Apr-2016 07:01     56M
暗时间.mobi                                           28-Mar-2018 09:43      1M
有限与无限的游戏.mobi                                      03-May-2018 07:52    250K
有限与无限的游戏:一个哲学家眼中的竞技世界(美)詹姆斯·卡斯.pdf                 03-May-2018 07:55      4M
未来简史.mobi                                          26-Apr-2017 03:31      5M
机器学习实战(英文原版).pdf                                   16-Feb-2018 16:31      7M
架构师2016.rar                                        31-Dec-2016 01:28     34M
海伯利安四部曲%2B螺旋的遗孤.azw3                               21-Apr-2016 12:20      4M
深入理解Kafka 核心设计与实践原理.pdf                            08-Nov-2021 12:37    116M
深度学习中文版.pdf                                        03-May-2017 09:26     30M
硅谷钢铁侠.mobi                                         24-May-2016 04:15      4M
稀缺-我们是如何陷入贫穷与忙碌的(完整版).pdf                          10-Apr-2017 11:43     22M
程序员应该知道的97件事.pdf                                   04-Jun-2022 11:24      2M
算法导论第三版英文版.pdf                                     06-Apr-2019 02:28      5M
自学是门手艺-v0.2-b29cad0.pdf                            05-Feb-2020 03:23     20M
艺术的故事.azw3                                         06-Jul-2017 08:52     23M
艺术的故事.epub                                         06-Jul-2017 08:52     22M
艺术的故事.mobi                                         06-Jul-2017 08:53     46M
贫穷的本质:我们为什么摆脱不了贫穷+-+[印度]班纳吉.azw3                   04-May-2022 02:48      4M
重新定义公司.mobi                                        26-Sep-2016 11:52      3M
阿里devops实践指南.pdf                                   01-Jul-2021 11:43     28M
阿里巴巴Java开发.手册.pdf                                  24-Aug-2019 14:07      1M
魔鬼数学:大数据时代,数学思维的力量.azw3                            11-Jun-2018 11:24      5M
黑天鹅.epub                                           27-May-2019 04:45   1013K